Beja: Polytechnic Institute hosts seminar "Ethics in Higher Education – The Role of Ethics Committees ".
The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) held today Seminar "Ethics in Higher Education – The Role of Ethics Committees ".
The Ethics Committee of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (CEIPBeja), held today, by 14 hours, in the Auditorium of the School of Education IPBeja, a seminar on the theme: "Ethics in Higher Education – The Role of Ethics Committees ".
This Seminar, which follows the activities of the "newly created" IPBeja Ethics Committee, will feature an opening session by Prof.. Dr. Vito Carioca President of IPBeja and presentation of that committee.
Followed by a conference entitled "Ethics Commissions in higher education: Background and Challenges ", delivered by Prof.. Doctor Sergio Deodato, Professor of Health Sciences Institute of the Catholic University, com formação e atividade profissional de destaque na área da Bioética e da Investigação Científica.
The seminar program can be found at: