Beja: German inventor disappears farm without a trace.

GNR suspended the search to find German inventor who disappeared in farm near San Matias (Beja) without trace. abandoned car was towed to the PJ of Setúbal.

The Territorial Command Beja GNR gave yesterday closed for the search to find a German citizen 82 year old, whose car was found Monday in about 15 kilometers north of the city Alentejo, access to a farm.

Osama Demaschquie, resident of the Valley of Rasca. Setúbal, He was reported missing since last day 4 of this month, despite the disappearance to the authorities only have been communicated three days later.

The Seat Ibiza Osama was found Monday afternoon, near the Mount of Alfaiatas, parish of St. Matthias, county Beja. The car was atascada a rural way of a private property, whose access is by a dirt road, parallel to the IP2.

Has learned the Lidador News (LN), the individual tried desatascar the vehicle using one foot mats of the same, but could not, having abandoned even leaving the windows open and several belongings inside. Car keys were not in the ignition. The latest mobile phone signal, It was activated by a localized antenna in Trinidad, village located about 17 kilometers south of Beja.

Osama Demaschquie lives in Setúbal area for several years, having no family in Portugal, only one brother who has long been living in Dubai. Inspectors of the Judicial Police (PJ) Setubal, They were on site inspecting the vehicle, but they did not find any significant signal that could reach the man.

in searches, given by completed 24 after, GNR involved more than a dozen soldiers from the Territorial Detachment of Beja and four binomials of Cinotécnico Intervention Group, having done searches in several hectares of existing olive groves in the area, having contacted several workers of farms, They have not seen the German citizen.

After closed searches, the vehicle Osama Demaschquie was removed to the PJ of Setúbal to be further examinations.

Osama Demaschquie an inventor

In 20 December 1983, registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), with the number 4421538, Patent recorded by Promotion Eglasstrek & Awarding GmbH, patent a device for manufacturing glass filaments.

Teixeira Correia


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