A youngster, of 21 year old, was yesterday sentenced in the Court of Beja, a 8 years in prison for the material authorship of a crime of qualified homicide in the attempted form, committed against a man who “considered he was a member of a police agency”.
The defendant was also ordered to pay the victim the sums of 5.000 euros for non-pecuniary damage and more 150 euros for property damage and 9.112,35 cents to the Baixo Alentejo Local Health Unit (ULSBA) for the hospital treatment of the victim.
The accused, resident in Beja, part of a violent group, the Panel of Judges did not have any doubts about not applying the special criminal regime for young people, justifying that the defendant “has already been convicted of drug trafficking, follows a criminal life path, revealing a violent personality”.
The crime occurred in the early hours of 2 July of last year, cerca the 00,50 hours, behind the Administrative and Fiscal Court (TAF) Beja, “in the middle of a public street, in a context of gratuitous violence”, when the defendant got into an argument with the victim, a man of 27 year old, who attacked with the use of a bladed weapon, striking him in the abdomen. The injuries caused “required urgent surgical intervention, that if it wasn't timely, the injuries inflicted by the defendant would have caused the death of the injured party.
The defendant will continue to await the final judgment of the judgment subject to preventive detention, extent to which it has been subject since 6 July 2023, confinement he fulfills at the Leiria Prison Establishment.
Convicted in another case
By final and unappealable ruling in 18 December 2023, when he was already in pre-trial detention, was sentenced to eighteen months in prison, suspended on execution, for committing a minor drug trafficking crime.
This process, which involved six more defendants, four were sentenced to effective prison, for committing stabbing crimes, assaults robberies, theft and drug trafficking.
Teixeira Correia