Beja: Young 15 years took Concelhia Youth leadership of the Socialist Party.
Manuel Castro Coelho, is the leader of the Municipality of Beja do JS, possession of which happened in the past day 6 Feb.. Yesterday was reelected Pedro do Carmo, as president of the Lower Alentejo Federation.
Upon taking office as president of the Municipality of Beja of the Socialist Party, last day 6 Feb., Manuel Castro Coelho, became the youngest ever leader of a Youth Party in Portugal. with only 15 year old, the alentejo, may also become the newest District or National President of a “whom” and also here overtake Pedro Passos Coelho, the former Prime Minister who was one of the youngest to reach the leadership of the youth structure of the PSD.
Appointed as a young man like “great maturity and vision”, Manuel Castro Coelho, assume without complexes, to be an admirer of José Sócrates and as the president of the Federation of Baixo Alentejo, supported António José Seguros, as leader of the Socialist Party. Her political “godmother†is Conceição Casanova, former deputy from PS and from the Secretariat of the Federation of Baixo Alentejo. Manuel wants “discrediting†because it passes politics and politicians, serve to “find†modern and dynamic policies to develop Baixo Alentejo.
What reasons led you to politics??
-From a very young age, I have always had a passion for politics.. I always liked to see debates, vibrated with political campaigns and the bug was already inside me. Everyone thought that with the passing of time this would pass., but they were wrong (laughs), I grew up and the pet got more and more accentuated.
What motivations does a young person currently have to join the political movement??
– At the present time, we are witnessing a great discrediting of the young population towards politics, which made my motivation grow to encourage more young people to participate civically in the interests of our region in order to find modern and dynamic policies in favor of the development of the Baixo Alentejo.
Which, when and where was your first political activity?
-When I went to the Socialist Party headquarters in Beja for the first time to be able to register for JS, I received an invitation from Dr.. Conceição Casa Nova to be present at the XVI Congress of the Federation of Baixo Alentejo do PS that took place in Almodôvar in 2014. It was a remarkable experience in my life..
Who is the politician you most admire and why??
– The politician I most admire is, without a doubt, Engº José Sócrates, because it was with him that I started to see the first political debates and to have more interest in political issues and above all because I recognize many qualities in him as a politician (insight, intelligence, and great leadership skills) and for the way he performed in all the positions he held in the government, and in particular, like first- Minister.
The straightforwardness of saying that you admire Socrates, it won't hurt you?
Do Not, no way. It can even be a positive factor., because I consider that he was a good ruler and there are still many people who, like me, admire him. From each person we learn lessons and this will be one of the cases and it can help in a positive way.
When she joined the JS militant?
-I joined the Socialist Youth activist in 4 November 2014.
Why the candidacy for the leadership of JS de Beja?
– I applied for the presidency of the JS de Beja Municipality, because it is urgent to change the youth policy paradigm in the county and have a deep knowledge of the current situation in the district. we want, me and my team, more youth participation and more participatory youth.
Who encouraged or inspired you to take this step?
-My parents were always socialists, and the topic of politics has always been present in my family, awakening from an early age my taste for politics.
What are the major causes that you will defend in and for the municipality of Beja?
-The main cause that I am trying to defend at the moment is to promote the interest of young people from Bejenses so that they can have a role and a more active voice in the problems of the county.. I also intend to promote greater associativism, and with it achieve greater visibility at the local level.
What goals do you have as a leader of the Municipality of Beja da JS ?
-During the term of office, we intend to develop work with a view to creating two nuclei of schools. The first of the group nº1 of Beja to which the Diogo Gouveia Secondary School belongs, Santiago Maior Elementary School and Santa Maria Elementary School. The second of the group nº2 of Beja where the D.Manuel I and Mário Beirão schools belong.
What immediate actions will you take?, in what way and what “fruits wait to harvest”?
-We hope to bring as many young people to JS de Beja, increasing the number of militants because everyone's opinion counts. This strategy will complement the foundation of our organization, developing the role of young people through debate and political activity, focused on specific topics, through the means of society and information.
How did you find the Municipality of Beja? ?
– I found it disabled due to the lack of interest of its elements. The structure existed on paper, but in practice it didn't work.
Young Portuguese people in general and Alentejo people in particular are far from politics. What do you think should be done to get closer to politics and, in your case, to the PS?
-At this point, it is necessary to develop political awareness actions with schools, in order to promote the importance of associativism nowadays, and in particular the principles and values ​​that govern the Socialist Party.
The fact that only 15 year old, not too young to assume political leadership?
I don't really care about age (laughs) For me, the determination and willingness I have to work together with my team is more important. We are five young people, all in first political experience, with Ramiro Morais acting as “right armâ€. I believe that we will create a new dynamic within the youth of the municipality of Beja.
How do you justify being the leader of a “whom” and then not be able to exercise the right to vote ?
It's frustrating. I'm wishing I had 18 years to be able to exercise my right and civic duty to vote.
The president of the Federation supported António José Seguro and you ?
Equally. Despite having identified myself more with António José Seguro, I never stopped defending the interests of my party.
The fact that the Socialist Party is a government, What responsibility does this entail for you and your position?
Although our work is at the county level, we continue to have the responsibility to work for the development of our country and the better the performance of the PS as a Government, greater will be my responsibility to present good results in the Municipality.
As “jacks” are taken as “machines” of jobs. What comment do you deserve??
I've heard about it, but I believe and am sure that at JS its members are valued for the merit of the work they perform and not the other way around.
What does the expression tell you? “jobs for the boys”?
I don't believe that within the "jotas" of the PS this happens. I don't know what's going on in the other parties.
The majority of “jotas†presidents from all parties arrive, invariably to deputies. Got that goal on the horizon?
– For now I'm going to play the role of president of the Socialist Youth of Beja and for now I don't have that goal on my horizon.
He became the youngest ever president of a partisan Youth even at county level. Pedro Passos Coelho, was one of the youngest and who became the leader of a “jota†and went all the way to leading the Government of the Country. Did you ever think about it before applying?
Do Not, I never thought such. Moreover, did not know that he was very young the national youth leader of his party.
What comment does he deserve to be now the youngest president of a “whom” ?
It's a detail, that doesn't mess with me. However, with the future work on behalf of the county and the district, this may have a positive impact, more than not, at the level of my person's knowledge.
As did Passos Coelho, will in the future fight to become leader of the PS and then prime minister ?
The only guarantee I give is that I will always work for the good and for citizenship. I haven't thought about it yet because I arrived at the place "half a dozen" days ago. One thing is right, I will never stop working for the interests of the Alentejo in particular and the Portuguese in general. Prime Minister ? I have a lot to learn and work, but as the poet says "The dream commands life".
Name: Manuel José Candeias de Castro Coelho
Date and place of birth: 19/09/2000, in Beja
Name and occupation of parents: Idalina Maria Juradinho Candeias Castro Coelho-Administrative technician and António Victor Marques Castro Coelho- Retiree.
Brothers: Two twin sisters with 24 year old – Ana Filipa Candeias de Castro Coelho graduated in Sociology and Maria João Candeias de Castro Coelho graduated in Clinical Psychology.
Literary abilities: I attend the 10th year at D.Manuel I school (languages ​​and humanities)
favorite hobby: reading, cinema, culture and fishing programs.
Teixeira Correia