Beja: “Free and Equal” – musical and theatrical performance with Carlão.

“Free and Equal” is a pedagogical project to promote Interculturality aimed at secondary school students, classes that work on this topic, in the Groupings of Schools nº1 and nº2 of Beja.

The Pax-Julia- Municipal Theater of Beja receives on Tuesday, day 18 January, 15,00 hours, the musical and theatrical performance.
This project seeks to reduce the discrimination that blocks the construction of an intercultural society, through a performance, with music and conversation with the artist Carlão.

The session also includes the offer of books to students, with the lyrics of three songs set to music by Carlão on each of the Racism themes, Ethnic Discrimination and Xenophobia, providing the reader with some tools for reflection and self-knowledge, also based on three fictional stories about these themes.

This is an organization City Council of Beja, within the scope of the “Rostos com Futuro” project financed by Portugal 2020 through POISE – Operational Program for Social Inclusion and Employment and ACM – High Commissioner for Migration, IP.

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