Manuel dos Santos died, the confessed author of the murder to the knife of his friend Francisco Ferro. With termination of the process, os familiares da vítima não recebem as indemnizações decididas pelo Coletivo de Juízes.
Manuel dos Santos, known as “Blé Açorda”, of 60 year old, the man who claimed responsibility for death, with a knife, by Francisco Ferro, of 63 year old, occurred in the afternoon of 26 May 2020, passed away last Friday at the Hospital de Beja.
Or individual, que sofria de diversos problemas de saúde, namely respiratory, was admitted to the Emergency Department of Hospital de Beja, cerca the 16,00 hours last wednesday, having been admitted to the Medical Service the following day., ending up passing away on friday. The funeral took place on Saturday morning..
The defendant had been convicted in the past day 12 of the March 14 years in prison and, to the payment of damages to the two children, no value 110 thousand euros, having last October the Court of Appeal of Évora (THREE) reduced one year to the imprisonment sentence. as for the rest, o valor das indemnizações fixadas em 110 thousand euros and the maintenance of the accused in preventive detention in the Prison of Beja, awaiting the final decision, the judges upheld these decisions of the Collective of Judges of the Court of Beja.
O defender of Manuel dos Santos, José Pinela Fernandes, had appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice, resource that had been admitted, and aimed at reducing the sentence even more and making the execution of the sentence more favorable to the accused..
Yesterday, the lawyer learned of his client's death through Lidador Notícias (LN), “surprised” by this fact., justifying that he had not been "notified" by the Court of Beja of the death of Manuel dos Santos and the filing of the case file.
The lawyer explained that with the death of Manuel dos Santos, "the case is filed and the sentences to which he was sentenced are extinguished, including in the part regarding the conviction of the payment of 110 mil euros de indemnizações aos filhos da vítima”, justified.
In the trial held at the Court of Beja, the Collective of Judges acquitted the accused of the crimes of aggravated aggravated homicide and the possession of a prohibited weapon, of which he was initially accused.
Teixeira Correia