Beja / Moura: Command of the PSP reveals summary of last week's activity in February.
The Command of the PSP arrested two men for driving under influence of alcohol, one with a BAC 1,41 and one with 1,61 g/l.
The District Command Beja PSP (CD Beja), within its powers to prevent and combat the practice of permanent criminal and illicit contraordenacionais, between 22 and 28FEV2019, in its area of ​​jurisdiction, recorded and highlights the following operating results:
Arrest of two men, by motor vehicle driving under the influence of alcohol, one of 65 years, which revealed a BAC 1,44 g / l and other 43 years, having accused a BAC of 1,61 g/l.
road accidents: In Beja, log 5 road accidents, which resulted in only material damage.
Inspection operations: 1 Bus Inspection operation, in Beja, using the Radar, which accounted 1841 controlled vehicles, with detection 11 offenses.
preventive actions / awareness and other: The Weapons Center and Explosives CD Beja, through its Customer Not Standing Desk, held in Odemira Library facilities, proceeded care about 45 people, especially the collection of 37 weapons (36 hunting and 1 self defense), forfeited to the State.
The CD Beja Proximity Policing, promoted: 3 awareness-raising on the theme "Bullying is for the weak", assisted 100 adolescents and 1 Visit the CD Beja facilities, as part of school activities of pre-school education and 1st cycle, investee for about 60 children.