A session was held to present the final version of the PDM to the Municipal Assembly with the aim of facilitating the analysis of the process and also clarifying doubts that may arise about its content, preparing future decisions on this important process.
The period of public discussion of the proposal to change the plan has ended, that occurred between the days of 20 March and 3 May, and considered the 38 participations presented, the report of this public discussion has been completed, identifying the questions asked, the analyzes carried out and the entities consulted in this context and the final version of the proposal to change the plan that the City Council will propose for approval to the City Council is being prepared.
The ongoing process of changing the Beja Municipal Master Plan, results from the legal obligation to adapt it to the new soil classification and qualification rules contained in the regulatory decree 15/2015 of 19 August, thus complying with what is established in the new basic soil policy law, territorial planning and urban planning.
This process also incorporated the redefinition of REN in accordance with the new rules dictated by the respective enabling law, the introduction of a true equalization system with specific rules, and also material corrections, clarification and deepening of rules whose need was detected following their application.
As the strategic objectives of the plan were not called into question, it was possible to obtain an exemption from submitting the process to strategic environmental assessment.