The structure was set up with the support of the Municipal Civil Protection and Operational Services Division of the municipality and as it had mentioned at the time, worked for a month, having closed last day 15 March.
Within the scope of the need for intervention in terms of rehousing homeless people, living in undignified conditions in the REFER building, on 12.02.2024, were not moved 35 people to the Temporary Night Shelter, installed at the Flávio dos Santos Stadium, in Beja.
The operationalization of this intervention, was analyzed using NPISA, between all entities in the municipality that intervene in this area and in conjunction with the Red Cross, in terms of cleaning and vacating that physical space (responsibility assumed by Beja City Council), as well as the covering of the building (the responsibility of the Red Cross) but also, with Cáritas Diocesana de Beja, the Lar Nobre Freire and the Social Cultural and Recreational Center of Bairro da Esperança, through Cantina Social.
Since the first moment, the ESTAR Association also supported the municipality in terms of food support, daily monitoring and integration of these people into the job market, in conjunction with technicians from the Municipal Development and Social Innovation Division (SAAS and GIP Immigrant).
This structure was set up with support from the Municipal Civil Protection and Operational Services Division of the municipality and operated for a month, enclosing as initially planned, last day 15 March. Integration of Temporary Night Shelter users, was guaranteed through the alternative to accommodation or other types of life projects. For this purpose, the Municipality of Beja, coordinated with the District Social Security Center, in order to find temporary or emergency accommodation responses at national level, having been integrated 10 people in Social Emergency Accommodation Centers (CAES) and Temporary Reception Structures (EAT).
With this technical support, It was also possible to find an answer in companies with accommodation, and private rental (for people who already worked, but they couldn't rent a house).
On your own initiative, other users of the Temporary Night Shelter moved to other regions of the country, where they found other job opportunities and better living conditions.
Within one month, thanks to the networking of all entities involved in this process, it was possible for the Municipality to complete a difficult task, of a problem that has existed for years, through the closure of the vacant building of the former ESTIG, where various social problems arose, which constituted a risk to public health and safety of the population, presenting itself as a reference to accommodate those who arrived in the city daily, no housing alternatives.