Beja: In cymbal took office the Executive Secretariat and the Inter-Assembly.
It was held on Wednesday night, the office of the Executive Secretariat and the representatives of the Municipal Assemblies in the Assembly of Inter Inter Community Alentejo (CIMB).
The Executive Secretariat of the cymbal, two took possession of three members, Fernando Romba, as First Secretary and Luis Launches, as Member, members appointed by the mayors of PS, whose names were approved at the meeting of the Intermunicipal Council 13 November.
The element indicated by the mayors of the CDU, It did not take possession, since after last day 29 November, the name of Fernando Silva was rejected by the Socialists, It was not presented another name.
In his facebook page, Fernando wrote Romba: “according to the legislation in force, I can not continue to pursue the local elected mandate. For this reason, I leave the post of President of the Municipal Assembly of Beja, requesting ever since everyone's understanding and, em subpartr, presenting my apologies to the voters of the county Beja, not being able to continue to perform these functions, that much prided myself. exercise, until this day, the position of Director of Employment and Training Center Beja Professional IEFP, IP, replacing scheme”.
Ana Horta replaced Fernando Romba, as president of the Assembly of the Inter cimbal.
At the first meeting of the Assembly of the Inter cimbal, the mandate 2017/2021, where representatives of the Municipal Assemblies of 13 municipalities that are part of the NUT III Alentejo took possession.
With the assumption of office in the Executive Secretariat of the cymbal, Fernando Romba left the presidency of the Inter-Assembly, taking the socialist mayors presented the name of Ana Horta, representative of the Municipal Assembly of Beja, to take over, which was ratified.
In his facebook page, Ana Horta, Councilwoman of Beja House in the previous term, wrote: “I appreciate the trust when they proposed me and elected President of the Assembly of the Inter cimbal. And with great honor that I replace the outgoing President Fernando Romba. Anyone who knows me knows that I will perform this function with seriousness and responsibility required, having as main objective to contribute, together with the other members of the Inter-Assembly and other organs of the cymbal, for the development of our region”.
Teixeira Correia