Beja: Ney Matogrosso opens “Creative Festival Beja”.

Festival in Beja Street shows Alma Creative. Ney Matogrosso makes opening show. Of 16 from June to 15 July.

Promoted by Zarcos - Musicians Association of Beja, in partnership with associations and county entities, the initiative is a bet of Beja in the affirmation of the creative industries, that make this city a showcase for local creators and guests, where the local culture merges with what is best done at national and international.

Aesthetic and artistic universes together different, enhancing fusion projects is one of the objectives of the event, that this 2nd Edition, back to transform the city's historic center in a huge room of artistic performances and demonstrations outdoors, stage auditoriums and makeshift galleries.

musical performances, Street animations, urban art interventions, exhibitions, dance and poetry performances, “workshops”, will be a constant during the 4 weeks in which it runs the Festival that brings together many artists in Beja.

Ney Matogrosso's presence confirmed 16 June in Beja Rua

The Brazilian singer Ney Matogrosso is one of the artists confirmed at the Festival in Beja Street. Ney returned to Portugal for a great show at the Republic Square, on 16 June, where will be presented with the exuberance that characterizes. With him comes his latest project “Attentive to the signs”, which includes themes of consecrated Caetano Veloso, Itamar Assumpção and Paulinho da Viola and emerging Creole, VĂ­tor Brat or Dani Black.

The Beja in is Street, above all, a celebration: the celebration of the arts on the street. Everything is open, with the certainty that creativity and the involvement of local farmers are the central aspects of the initiative and that our arts and traditions are on the street. For all.

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