Beja: No 1st quarter 2019 GNR arrested three people for domestic violence.

Between 1 January and 31 March 2019 GNR arrested in the district of Beja, three people for domestic violence and two for sexual solicitation of minors. 85 of 186 leading conductors under the influence of alcohol, They were arrested.

The Territorial Command Beja (CTBeja) GNR in operations that took effect in Beja district, in the first quarter of 2019, which aimed at preventing and combating violent crime, road inspection, among others, including awareness-raising, noted the following operating data

Were realized 188 arrests in flagrante delicto, highlighting-se: 3 for domestic violence and 2 child sexual aliciação, Besides 85 for driving under influence of alcohol, 24 for driving without legal authorization, 17 por theft, 7 for drug trafficking and 3 By banned gun possession.

The latest case of domestic violence occurred in the past day 21 March, when the Territorial Command Beja, via Spatial Rank Aljustrel, detained a man 28 year old, for domestic violence, in Aljustrel municipality.

In this process of domestic violence, that going on for two months, It has been complied with an arrest warrant, since it was found that the suspect assaulted, He defied and threatened repeatedly to the victim, of 23 year old, his companion.

The suspect, with criminal records by the same type of crime, This was the same day the first judicial interrogation in the Judicial Court of Ourique, where it was applied coercion measure of remand, having the same taken to the prison Beja.

With regard to seizures GNR, confiscated 100 hashish doses and 597 cannabis, 18 arms fire, 3 Compressed weapons ar, 451 ammunition of various calibres, 7 cold steel, 360 euro cash, 943 kilos of olives, 15 Car, 2 cycles without bikes, 520 liters of diesel and 8 mobile phones.

With regard to the traffic enforcement, the Guard recorded a total of 4.661 offenses, wherein 858 were drivers speeding, 186 driving with alcohol level in blood higher than allowed by law, 241 by missing or improper use of safety belts and / or restraint system for children, 194 for lack of mandatory periodic inspection, 158 for lack of mandatory liability insurance, 309 for offenses related to tachograph, 79 by misuse of the mobile phone in the course of driving, 207 related to lighting and signage and 32 relating to the tires.

As for the loss ratio recorded in the aerial action CTBeja, registration was 410 accidents, which resulted 5 dead, 11 serious injuries and 115 minor injuries.

As regards the general control, the military GNR, They passed 233 contraordenações, wherein 143 They were registered under the nature protection law and the environment 90 under police legislation.

Regarding awareness-raising promoted the Guard 142, in school environments, Safety in the Elderly programs, "Safe Home", safety and road safety, insurance trade, of general crime, "Internet Segura", "Nonviolence is an Option”, "Pedestrian Safety", "Violence in the relationship", "Day of Civil Protection", "Woman's Day", "Road safety", "Addiction Prevention", "Defense Forest Fire", "Tree world Day", "Walk by the 2019 Forest" and "Reading Week Celebration", having been sensitized 4916 people, among children, monitors, teachers, psychologists, seniors, drivers and traders.

These data result from the compilation of weekly information sent by the CTBeja Lidador News.

Teixeira Correia


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