Beja City Council promoted the application through APT, which allowed the work to be financed at a value greater than 1,6 million.
The total investment is 1.960.467,59 euros, with participation from the Municipality of Beja de 161.738,59 euros, in an application with funding from 1.666.397,45 of euros.
The building urgently needed the roof to be waterproofed., but by expanding the work, the building's new electrical network, new toilets and painting, among others worth close to 2.000.000,00 euros.
For the 2nd phase, with PRR financing of close to € 3.000.000,00, to start, the Beja City Council carried out the projects necessary to carry out this phase inside the Museum.
The president of the municipality argues that “this was the intervention that the Museum needed and that would never happen again. It happened. Best Museum for employees and visitors, more pride in Beja, strengthening tourist attraction in the territory”, maintains Paulo Arsénio.
The Rainha D.Leonor Museum passed from the management of CIMBAL to the Regional Directorate of Culture of Alentejo in December 2019 and passed through the day 1 January 2024 for the protection of “Museums and Monuments of Portugal, TERM”, who drives 38 of the most important museums and monuments in Portugal.
Teixeira Correia