Beja: Works to install the Juvenile Court are already underway.
The works to install the Court of Minors, in Beja, They have already started on the ground adjacent to the Camping.
In the land attached to Camping Beja Park, next to the parking area, já tiveram inÃcio as obras destinadas a receber os módulos pré-fabricados para a instalação provisória do Tribunal de FamÃlia em Beja, that record is, with the judicial reform that entered into force on 1 September 2014, was moved to the Court of Ferreira do Alentejo.
The Lidador News (LN) He confirmed to the Secretary of State Assistant and for Justice, Helena Ribeiro, what “the work in progress on site are intended to receive the Court of Minors”, It should be completed by the end of this year, in order to enter into operation on 4 January, encompassed in the judicial map changes, approved by the current Government.
The permanent premises of the Juvenile Court, part of the new Palace of Justice, which should begin to be built over the next year, in order to be completed by 2020. A elaboração dos respectivos projectos de arquitetura e especialidade que estão a cargo do municÃpio e deverão estar concluÃdos até ao final do corrente ano.
Recorde-se que a ministra da Justiça esteve em Beja no passado dia 1 June, where he signed with the Mayor, the transfer protocol of land, in surface rights, where the new building will be built.
The plan of the Ministry of Justice passes by removing the current Palace of Justice to civil local instance (not the central) and also install the new building the instance of Family and Children, the Labour Court and also the Administrative and Fiscal Court (TAF) Beja,
In the current Palace will continue to criminal local instance and the central instance (civil and criminal), where collective judgments continue to place in a room that has the requisite solemnity and all the conditions for this, as any possible singular judgment but with public impact.
The current Palace of Justice, has holding cells, and is also the prosecutor (MP), whereby the crime area is not so reasons for changes.
Teixeira Correia