Beja: Octogenarian dies in screening followed by rollover.

Tracking followed by overturning octogenarian forest near São Matias, county Beja.

A woman 84 years died early yesterday afternoon (Tuesday), following the loss of the passenger car he was driving, occurred at kilometer 333 Main Route (IP) 2, near the town of São Matias, county Beja.

The octogenarian went south/north, having as destination his residence in Alvito, when for reasons still to be investigated by the GNR, the vehicle left the road and then overturned several times, leaving the woman incarcerated.

The occupants of an ambulance belonging to the Vidigueira Fire Brigade that passes by the site provided first aid to the woman until the arrival of the emergency and resuscitation medical vehicle (VMER) and an ambulance from INEM and Firefighters of Beja.

The woman did not resist the injuries and her death was confirmed on the spot by the VMER doctor.

The alert for the accident was given to 13,28 hours, having attended at the place 17 operational supported by nine vehicles, of the Fire Department of Beja and Vidigueira INEM, VMER, GNR and Roads Plain. The octogenarian's body was removed to the Legal Medical Office of Beja where it will be autopsied.

Teixeira Correia


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