Beja: Operation “Safe Summer” with positive results, according to the District Command of the PSP.

The Public Security Police (PSP) It has carried out, between 15 June and 15 September of this year, the operation “Safe Summer”. District of Beja there was data considered relevant.

PSP Beja_800x800Em comunicado a PSP, made known the results of the operation “Safe Summer” and justifies considering the significant demographic changes due to bathing season, sought, PSP in the areas of responsibility, promote greater police visibility, greater control of road traffic, more security in the large tourist influx zones.

The realization of the "I am Here" (prevention of missing children), Operation "PSP – Portugal, Safer Place” (promoting the image of Portugal as safe holiday destination) and Operation Holiday (security of the residences of people who are absent, due to vacation).

The District Command Beja PSP, in their area of ​​responsibility and by employing all its police valences, the execution daoperação “Safe Summer”, We obtained the following operational records:

85 supervised housing, as part of Operation Holiday, 489 pulseiras entregues, relativas ao Programa “estou aqui” e 131 operações de âmbito rodoviário e outras.

Given the steps taken, The following results were determined, Respite:
3835 inspected vehicles, 2 detenções por tráfico de produto estupefaciente, 1 detention for lack of legal authorization to conduct, 1 detenção por desobediência e apreendidas 153 hashish doses and 29 doses of heroin.

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