Beja: Words wanderers had last start and run until Sunday.
Took off yesterday in the XV Festival Beja “words wanderers”.
The opening was held at 19 hours with the exhibition opening “A sky that opens my head” in the neighborhood of Mouraria, in the historic city center. There was a snack and then ace 21h00 “There are tales in Mouraria”, which was attended by Jorge Serafin, Rosary Luzia, Thomas Bakk and other.
The programming of the XV edition of Words wanderers proposes several LOOKS about the art of spoken and printed word, workshops, gatherings and conferences, supporting the formation of flock reading mediators Beja, these days a place of BREATHE.
Viale Moutinho, Eugénio Roda, Rita Taborda Duarte are some of the writers and other creators invited to share their universes. One focus of this issue is the youth of the universe – this Incognita Terra Ana Saldanha, Ana Pessoa, Miguel Frigate and Mauricio Correa Leite will address.
They do fifteen years the wanderers and celebrate poetry with Ana Luísa Amaral, Roseanna Murray, Alexis Pepper and Thomas Back, RETURN to the city of tales, Ana Garcia Spanish, and starts as the BIG BANG BOOM! Margarida Botelho.
Teixeira Correia
Photo: Rui Eugénio