Beja: PCP requested the meeting ULSBA and visit the Hospital to analyze the situation obstetric.

The PCP states that the closure of the obstetric emergency department of the Local Unit of Health of Alentejo, is due to a chronic shortage of health professionals.

The PCP has followed and alerted to the chronic shortage of doctors in the Lower Alentejo Local Health Unit (ULSBA), particularly with regard to emergency obstetric, for which very often has placed maternity closing ability as were the cases of 2006, 2011, 2017.

In 2018 several times the Board of Directors informed the Patient Advice Center Urgent (CODU) that can not ensure the scales of doctors obstetric emergency department, culminating in, higher than expected, rupture with the 6 January 2019, second news out to the public (N.D.R.: it is recalled that it was triggered by Lidador News and the News Journal), It ended the obstetric emergency department during 12 hours which meant that pregnant women had to have recourse to the Hospital of the Holy Spirit in Évora.

The Board of Directors of ULSBA and the Ministry of Health, in response to PCP deputy elected by requirements Beja, It has recognized the difficulties and admitted the "imminent risk" of collapse in the Pediatric Emergency and Obstetrics and "serious difficulties" in the Anesthesiology Services, Radiology, General Surgery and Orthopedics.

Yet, there are no known measures that respond to the problems of lack of health professionals, that are not restricted to the professional group of doctors, but also a great lack of nurses and operating assistants.

The whole situation of extreme difficulty, has concerned health professionals being known manifesto, signed by twelve service directors of the Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, made public in 2018 which they expressed their "concern for the situation of absolute shortage of doctors to meet the welfare needs of the population for which the ULSBA is responsible".

For a more rigorous approach to the situation, the DORBE OF PCP requested a visit to José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital being the realization of the same planned for the next day 21 January, a partir the 14.30 hours.

The PCP and his deputy elected by the constituency of Beja, maintain a firm stance, consistent and determined and committed to defending the interests of the population of the region, and investments indispensable for the development of the District, in this particular case in healthcare.

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