Beja: Pedro Barahona today takes over the Fire.

Pedro Barahona taken today over as commander of the Fire Beja Volunteers, replacing Manuel Baganha, after which 26 years command, left their job due to age limit.

Pedro Barahona, 44 year old, toma hoje posse como comandante dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Beja, replacing Manuel Baganha, after which 26 year old, ceased functions, age limit. the inauguration is held to 19,00 hours in Barracks Parade B.V.Beja.

Barahona took in 1 November the Commander of, replacing, Firemen Beja Volunteers (BVBeja). The new commander will attend a Command Recycling Course, the National Fire School, and then take office in the fullness.

According commander there 16 year old, Pedro Barahona é tido como um “excelente operacional” e pertence a uma família “ligada desde a fundação aos bombeiros de Beja” e “tem a difícil tarefa” de substituir no cargo Manuel Baganha, who held the post during 26 year old.

António Guerreiro, until now deputy command, assumes the position of Second Commander. The direction of BVBeja will name, by proposal of the commander, two command adjuncts.

Teixeira Correia


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