Beja: Beja petition deserves + will have discussion, considering and voting upon the 5 July.
The next day 5 July, Members of Parliament will discuss, analyze and vote the petition signed by 26.101 citizens and presented by the Beja deserves + (BM+), lodged on 10 May 2018. Will also be considered a BE and PCP draft resolutions covering the same reasons for the petition BM +.
The initiative to Florival Baiôa Monteiro and other, cordenada the movement deserves Beja +, where the first subscribers request the execution of works in IP8 / A26, in Beja airport, the electrification of the railway section White House - Beja - Funcheira, and better health services.
Remember that subscribers Petition No 508 / XIII / 3rd were heard in the Assembly of the Republic Assembly on 16 October 2018.
Petition No 508 / XIII / 3rd -Data entry in RA: 10 May 2018.
Request the execution of works in IP8 / A26, in Beja airport, the electrification of the railway section White House - Beja - Funcheira and better health services, next Monday 3rd, 16 October, 15h, we ask for confirmation ".
DRAFT RESOLUTION No. 2196 / XIII / 4th -Data entry in RA: 11 June 2019.
Members of the PCP's Parliamentary Group propose that the National Assembly adopt the following resolution and urges the Government electrification and upgrading of the railway section White House-Beja-Funcheira.
The full electrification of the railway section White House - Beja - Funcheira is essential to take a step towards an effective investment in the rail network, not only to allow greater economic dynamism in Alentejo, but also to meet the energy challenges that are increasingly therefore urgentes.Por, and bearing in mind the provisions of the National Investment Program 2030, It is essential to give priority to investment in the electrification of the line to the claims Beja. Yet, We need to add that this also covers electrification connecting Beja to Funcheira, covering, thus, the southern part of the Alentejo.
So, under the constitutional and regulatory provisions, the Parliamentary Group of the Left Bloc proposes that the Assembly of the Republic recommended to the Government: 1- Prioritize the electrification and upgrading of the railway section White House - Beja, provided for in the National Investment Program 2030; 2- Include in the White House section of the redevelopment project – Beja building a type of connection to the airport; 3- Ensure the urgent electrification of Beja section - Funcheira, promoting links south; 4- Ensure a supply of trains and times to be attractive and appropriate for the population mobility needs.
Draft Resolution No. 1763 / XIII / 3rd- Data entrada AR: 12 July 2018.
Compliance with the National Road Plan and full completion of the IP 8 in the districts of Setúbal and Beja. Members of the PCP's Parliamentary Group propose that the National Assembly adopt the following resolution:
The Parliament decides, in accordance with paragraph 5 Article 166 of the Constitution, recommend to the Government: Adopt appropriate measures for an immediate solution to the serious problems in IP8, ensuring safety in the circulation and the immediate start of construction work, harnessing and maximizing the investment made; Calendarize and ensure the completion of the IP8 in its entirety between Sines and Vila Verde Ficalho, as defined in the National Road Plan, in motorway profile without tolls; Immediate opening, no IP 8, the section already achieved between Grândola South node and Santa Margarida do Sado; Develop and materialize a plan of investment that qualifies the road network and promote full compliance with the National Road Plan in the Alentejo region; Start a process of extinction of the current Public Private Partnership contract IP8 / "Baixo Alentejo" for the public management of the road network, resorting to legal and contractual mechanisms to ensure the best protection of the public interest.