Beja: Polytechnic in less 30 vacancies 2017. He went from 506 to 476 vacancies.

It starts today, 19 July, the application deadline to the 1st phase of the national competition for access to public higher education, which ends on 8 August, Tuesday. The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) has less 30 jobs than 2016.

For the school year 2017-2018, through the national access competition, public higher education institutions offer 508381 vacancies for admission in their study cycles: 28424 (55,9%) in higher education and 22414 (44,1%) in polytechnic education.

In the case of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, the 15 the four higher education courses have a total of 476 vacancies, contra as 506 last year. According to data published by the General Directorate of Higher Education the IPBeja, It has the fewest jobs since 2013. This year had 489 vacancies and the years 2014 a 2016, the stabilized vacancies 506.

Let's look at the vacancies, placements and places to occupy the four IPBeja accommodation:

Agrarian School (4 courses): Agronomy- 47 vacancies; Environmental Engineering- 23 vacancies; Science and Technology Food- 25 vacancies and Bioanalytical Technologies- 25 vacancies

School of Education (3 courses): Social Service- 45 vacancies; Sports: 30 vacancies and Basic Education: 20 vacancies.

Of Technology and Management School (6 courses): Solicitors (education system the distance)- 20 vacancies; Computer Engineering- 50 vacancies; Business management- 40 vacancies; Solicitors- 30 vacancies; Tourism- 36 vagas e Gestão de Empresas (after working time)- 25 vacancies.

School of Health Sciences (2 courses): Occupational Therapy: 25 vacancies and Nursing: 35 vacancies.

Check out the vacancies of Higher Education: Vagas_2017_fase1

Teixeira Correia


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