Beja: Polytechnic holds conference on "The Role of Media in Contemporary Societies".

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) promotes the next day 10 December the conference on "The Role of Media in Contemporary Societies", Its main actor journalist Judith de Sousa.

IPBeja_800x800To end or cycle Workshops, organized by IPBeja and Words Said, will take place the next day 10 of December, by 15 hours in Auditorium I of the Common Services IPBeja, a conference entitled "The Role of Media in Contemporary Societies", having as guest speaker Judith Sousa, Deputy Director of Information TVI.

Judith Sousa, degree in History from the Faculty of Letters of Porto, It is one of the most important figures of Portuguese television journalism in decades. Born in 1960 no Porto, He began his career in RTP, in 1979, where presented various information programs and policy analysis, coordinated and moderated discussions and interviews with party leaders and did news coverage, as special envoy, some of the most important events of the past 20 year old.

Galardoada com o Prémio Bordalo de Jornalismo em 1995 e Comendadora com a Ordem de Mérito em 2005, He stood out in the program presentation “Great Interview” between 1998 and 2011, year in which leaves the RTP for TVI, where is Deputy Director of Information and features, among other programs, The Journal of 8 on Sunday. IT IS, also, university professor and has written books.

The conference, which will address issues such as: The Changing World; The new information consumer; As sociedades mediatizadas; The role of the journalist; O and public or private; The television journalism; The land to the studio, It has yet to intervene Ana Paula Figueira, docente do IPBeja e Nuno Azinheira, Said head of Words.

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