Beja: PSD president will be today in the county and brings together the evening with militants.
Rui Rio, Chairman of the PSD, will be today in Beja. Visit a farm and then meets with the direction of ACOS and party activists.
The president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Beja will be the first time after the completion of the National Council reinforced its leadership before the onslaught of Luis Montenegro to replace the lead “orange”.
Since it's PSD leader, Rui Rio has been twice in Beja. The first on 30 April, in his debut as a guest of Ovibeja (pictured with the former minister Graça Carvalho) and in the days 11 and 12 May, on the 44th birthday party celebrations.
Rio will be morning in Faro, moving then to Beja, It is the meeting point for the labeled 15,45 hours, at the roundabout after the Infantry Regiment 1. Followed by a visit to the Palace of the Conde Estate, in Baleizão and the 17,00 horas vai reunir com direção da ACOS – Associação de Agricultores do Sul.
at night, by 21,00 hours, together with the PSD militants Beja district, behind closed doors, no BejaParque Hotel.
Rui Rio visit, coincides with the campaign period for the election of the new Commission policy District of Beja, which District Assembly is scheduled for the next day 16 February.
Os candidatos à substituição de João Guerreiro, current leader of the PSD Beja not recandidata, São Gonçalo Valente, former president of the district council of Ourique PSD, and district representative Rui Rio during the last internal elections of the party and Marciano Lopes, founder of the PSD in Beja and Commissioner for the celebrations of the 44th anniversary of the PSD, They held in Beja.
Marciano Lopes, go to vote under the slogan, “Unite for Win, Reaffirm the dignity of the Region”, presents the program and the team on Tuesday for 18,00 hours, in the same hotel unit today receives Rui Rio.
It is recalled that the still PSD leader in Beja, João Guerreiro, He was elected president of the district 7 November 2016 and succeeded Mario Simões.
Teixeira Correia