Beja: Professor pedophile indicted for practicing 89 crimes of sexual abuse of children.

Teacher of primary charged 89 crimes of sexual abuse of children. Resident of Mombeja, the individual committed the crimes in EB1, the Beja county.

José Jerónimo, the schoolteacher, single, of 47 years, that I taught in a school EB1 of Beja county, and since Friday is in custody, He was indicted for 89 crimes of sexual abuse of children.

According to a statement from prosecutors (MP) Beja, the individual has been indicted for 87 crimes of sexual abuse of children, punished with imprisonment of three to ten years and 2 crimes of sexual abuse of children, punished with imprisonment of one to eight years.

The MP also said that the inquiry "is in secrecy and the investigation was delegated to the Judicial Police in Faro", police force that made the arrest of the suspect on Wednesday afternoon and presented yesterday to court and led to the Beja Prison (EPB), where awaits trial.

Recorde-is that PJ, He had revealed that the detainee "using ancestry that gave him his teacher status", where he taught from 2015, "Could that her students, minor 8 years, to submit to acts of a sexual nature committed by him ".

The individual was in charge of about ten and a half of children, between girls and boys, and some have taken to a room where undressed and then stroked the genitals and kissed.

As the Lidador News (LN) yesterday revealed exclusively the complaint of the facts was made last week at the station of the GNR of the locality where the school is located is, the case was referred to the prosecutor of Beja and the facts communicated to PJ, that in less than a week investigated the teacher behavior and presented to the judicial authorities.

The LN found that, having been received by the EPB, It was added to the trapped chain observation sector, practice that is followed with new inmates and also because it is a type of crime reproached by the "code of honor of prisoners". Pedophiles are one of the main targets and victims of punishments applied by "judges" also arrested. beatings, electric shock torture with objects, are some of the "feathers" applied.

Teixeira Correia


Photo: Removed from the defendant's facebook page.

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