Beja: PSP is 9 arrests between 1 and 15 November.

The Public Security Police did 9 arrests, in the first half of November, most for driving without a license or driving under influence of alcohol.

In a statement sent to the office of Lidador News, the District Command of the PSP Beja (CDBeja), He made it clear that the scope of its responsibilities to prevent and combat the practice of permanent criminal and illicit contraordenacionais, between 01 e 15NOV2017, in its area of ​​jurisdiction, recorded and highlights the following operating results:

Beja held 9 arrests, all males aged 22 and 51 years, sendo quatro por condução de veículo com taxa de alcoolémia igual ou superior a 1,2 gr / l. Dois por resistência e coação a Agente de Autoridade, following suspicion of committing a crime of domestic violence, by one of the detainees.

They were still held more 3 individuals, one for illegal possession defense weapon, an aerosol, one for illegal possession of weapon, uma faca de abertura automática e um por condução sem habilitação legal para conduzir na via pública.

There was still the interception and identification, in flagrante delicto, a man, of 22 years, the alleged commission of the crime of fraud, by proposing sale of textile articles clearly higher prices than their market value, and under the false identification of the victims family. This police action, also resulted in the seizure of 100 euros and 2 bedding sets and bath.

As for road accidents registered PSP, in Beja, 11 Road accidents, of which, damage resulted and 5 minor injuries.

In this 1st half of November 2017, CD Beja, recorded, Moura, 5 Road accidents, of which, resulted only material damage to vehicles involved.

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