Beja: Real Thaw 2021 (RT21) “take off” na BA11.

The multidisciplinary exercise Real Thaw 2021 (RT21) started yesterday, Air Base No. 11, in Beja, and will run until the next day 26 March.

The Air Force, through the Air Command, is carrying out the Multidisciplinary exercise Real Thaw 2021 (RT21), until the next day 26 March, from Air Base No.. 11, in Beja.

In addition to supporting the fight against covid-19 and fulfilling the missions of public and international interest attributed to it, with maximum safety and efficiency, the Air Force must continue to prepare and qualify its forces for the complete fulfillment of the mission. The RT21 proves to be fundamental for the complete fulfillment of the mission.

The Director of Air Operations, Brigadier-General João Caldas, states that “organizing the RT21 is a major challenge for the Air Force, but also a great need, Given the 2020 it was a year with very little operational training activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic ”.

That is why it is important to “provide the military with quality training that reflects the conditions that they will encounter in current theaters of operations., while maintaining security protocols in order to mitigate the proliferation of COVID-19. ”

RT21 allows you to assess and certify the Air Force's operational capabilities, in a joint and segregated environment with Navy and Army military, while guaranteeing the security conditions required by the pandemic context.

Participate in RT 21

Air Force: Esquadra 101- “Roncos”, Squadron 201- “Falcons”, Esquadra 301- "Jaguares", Esquadra 501- "Bisontes", Police Station 502- “Elephants”, Police Station 552- “Hornets”, Police Station 601- “Lobos” and Police Station 751- “Pumas”.

Army: BrigRR (Rapid Reaction Brigade).

Navy: Marines and DAE (Posting of Special Actions). (D

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