Beja: Refurbishment of a building at Praça da República and Rua Afonso Costa.

The second tender was launched for the recovery of the building located at Praça da República and Rua Afonso Costa, known as "Felício Fashions", aiming at its recovery for subsequent lease to young people.

Trata de um edifício localizado na Praça da República, paragraphs 27 and 28 and Merchant Street, paragraphs 2 a 12 (pair numbers) doado à Câmara Municipal de Beja em 3 August 2016, num Executivo liderado por João Rocha, pelas quatro herdeiras da Família Ferreira da Costa Cruz.

O concurso foi lançando na passada sexta-feira em Diário da República, tem um valor-base de 1.100.000,00 euros, e de acordo com o presidente da autarquia, “não terá financiamento e com recurso a empréstimo IFRRU, com taxas de juro vantajosas”.

No primeiro mandato do Executivo liderado por Paulo Arsénio, tinha sido lançado o primeiro concurso e que ficou deserto. O edil justificou que “depois de concluído o imóvel destinar-se-á a arrendamento, no regime de renda acessível, a jovens. A reabilitação do imóvel das “fashions Felicio” o período de obra, depois de iniciada, poderá ser de 2 year old (fim em 2025).

Notícia do Lidador Notícias de 23 August 2016

In ordinary Executive meeting of the Municipality of Beja, held on 3 August, It was "unanimously approved" the proposed donation of a building located in the Republic Square and Street Merchant (Old Street Shopping), where on the ground floor still works a ready-to-wear.

The proposal was made by Ferreira da Costa Cruz sisters, Maria Elvira, Maria Emilia, Maria Francisca and Maria Antonia, as legitimate heirs of the building located in Praça da República, paragraphs 27 and 28 and Merchant Street, paragraphs 2 a 12 (pair numbers), "For not being able to bear the costs that are necessary to perform the maintenance works".

The building consists of ground floor, where does the establishment of ready-to-wear, “Happy Fashions”, 1Th e 2º andar, with a 254m2, eight police numbers, two on Praça da República and six on Rua dos Mercadores.

Has learned the Lidador News (LN), Beja Chamber is in negotiations with the tenant of commercial space, Antonio Felicio, para que este receba uma indemnização compensatória com o objetivo de deixar o espaço, for it to become the property of the local authority.

The Executive of Beja House has not yet taken a decision on the use to be building, which should be made published in the coming days, after being approved at the regular meeting.

This is the second building at the Republic Square that goes to the jurisdiction and will be recovered by the Beja House, after the administrative office building fronting this, where is located the PSD headquarters.

Teixeira Correia


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