The Municipality of Beja issued a statement in which it reacts and denies posts placed on social networks about the quality of meals served in schools.
Beja City Council vehemently denies a set of misleading posts circulating on social networks, with unknown purposes, but since then, seriously damage the image of the quality of school meals served in a specific establishment in the area of ​​the Municipality of Beja.
Already in the recent past, images like these circulated with reference to other schools, so this is a recurring campaign.
It should be noted that in the schools of the municipality, an average of 1500 daily meals, made by five different entities, in eight different locations.
as a rule, meals are considered to be of excellent quality, there is a daily monitoring of the same, it is possible for students to repeat meals whenever they wish.
Photos that show nearly empty plates or meals that weren't prepared that day, can be false or misrepresented, which highlights the importance of verifying whether the sources are reliable and reliable, as well as to assess the veracity of the information and the reliability of non-institutional and not very credible pages that disclose it, before sharing them publicly. School meals are an essential service for many students, and, therefore, all efforts made by the Municipality of Beja, are directed to ensure that they are of quality and meet the nutritional needs of students. In this sense, the Municipality hired a nutritionist to supervise the menus, monitor and evaluate the quality of products and meals prepared in school cafeterias, weekly. This supervision made it possible to identify the main constraints that still existed, including food waste and the fact that some students still do not book meals in advance.
We highlight the excellent institutional cooperation relationship between the school, the Municipality and the company that provides school meals. This collaboration allows effective measures to be taken to improve the quality of the service provided permanently, as well as helping to ensure that students' needs are met appropriately.
The Executive of the Municipality of Beja implemented measures to reinforce supervision, monitoring and public disclosure of school meals, as well as to inform, raise awareness and monitor families about the duty to schedule school meals in time for their students.
Strengthening the daily presence of the nutritionist at meal times and daily control of the number of scheduled and unscheduled appointments, according to the students present at the school, can help ensure that school meals are distributed more equitably and reduce food waste.
With the implementation of these measures, it is intended to reinforce the efficiency and effectiveness of the service provided, as well as ensuring that there is clear communication, transparent and open between all parties involved.
just this way, it will be possible to ensure that students continue to have access to quality school meals, where your nutritional needs are adequately met and service is optimized.