Beja: RI1 receives up 10 November the National Defense Day (DDN).

More than two youth Beja districts, Évora and Portalegre will go through Infantry Regiment 1, in Beja, during the realization of the National Defense Day (DDN).

DDN-out_800x800Infantry Regiment No. 1, quartered in the Valley of Sting, in Beja, gets to the next day 10 November, Day of National Defence, is expected to visit a total of 2.197 young, from two districts of Beja, Evora and Setubal.

That day aims to sensitize young people to the issue of national defense and runs the day Dissemination Centers of National Defence, based in military units of the three branches of the Armed Forces.

During the Day of National Defense are developed one set of activities designed to make young people aware of the importance of national defense and the role and mission of the Portuguese Armed Forces, as well as the essential missions of the Armed Forces, your organization and the resources that are affected them, forms of provision of military service and the different choice for those wishing to provide effective service.

Please note that attendance at the National Defense Day is a military duty for all Portuguese citizens, of both sexes os, completing 18 years, as provided for in the Military Service Law and respective Regulation.

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