Until Sunday, Beja revives the grandeur and grandeur of Pax Julia in the historic center of the city with a program full of music, animation, processions, market, acepipes, Museum Live, Pedagogical visits and other experiences.
This morning, a partir the 10,30 hours carried out Lusitania parade: Procession of Reception to the Roman Consul, by the Patricians and Plebeians of Hispania Tarraconensis,through the streets of the Forum, leaving Secondary School D. Manuel I – Av. Fialho de Almeida – Terreiro dos Valentes – Portas de Mértola – Rua Cap. João Francisco de Sousa – Rua Dr. Brito Camacho – Largo da Conceição – Rua dos Infantes – Praça da República.
Afterwards the 12,00 hours occurs at Ceremony and reading of the Edict welcoming the Roman Patrick and opening of the market, with Roman dances, at the end of the procession, by Classes C and D of the JI of the S school center. john Baptist.
Complete Beja Romana program: https://cm-beja.pt/pt/menu/1059/programa.aspx.
The grandeur and magnificence of Pax Julia to revive, during 3 days, in the historic city center. But, It is at the Republic Square, place where the Roman forum was located and where two temples are identified
Romans, of which, the largest and most monumental discovered today in Portuguese territory, What happens the big buzz this recreation.
Markets were part of everyday life in the cities at the time, that is why, you can find this Roman market, merchants selling products based on or inspired by those that existed at the time and
try some recreated dishes, based on food available at that time.
Another of the highlights of the program are the processions that travel through the Historic Center in a true manifestation of the splendor of the Roman period. This is a time open to all who wish to join this party.
The importance of content that promotes, the dynamic that develops in the educational environment and experience of excellence that gives its participants the Roman Beja Festival is one to and from the school community event that is open to the public and visitors to the.