Beja: Secretary of State devalues ​​critics of Fire League.

Diretiva Financeira 2017, governing document in monetary terms the DECIF, divides Secretary of State and Portuguese Firemen League. In Beja, the presentation of the District Operations Plan, Jorge Gomes says who approves the document “It's me” and admitted that the League “not read”.

The Secretary of State for Internal Administration devalued the criticisms made by the Portuguese League Firefighters (LPB) who accused the ruler of “brave firefighters”, approve the Financial Policy (DF) 2017, “without listening to those who walk on the ground”.
A DF2017, documento que rege em termos monetários o Dispositivo Especial de Combate a Incêndios Florestais (DECIF), It was sent to LPB on 10 May and the next day was approved by the President of ANPC and approved by Jorge Gomes. The secretary of state was speaking to reporters in Beja, on the sidelines of the presentation of the District Operations Plan, explained that “I admit that the League has not read the document. Who approves the Policy Statement and not its President, at least still”, finished.
Jorge Gomes strengthened his authority by saying that the Presidents of Firemen Federations informed him that “finally there is a policy that looks after fire. The League does not see this. Someone is not looking by firefighters”, concluded. Questionado se não teme um boicote dos Comandos das corporações em atuar fora dos seus distritos Jorge Gomes, went straight: “They act as they see fit, They are not professional, are amateurs. Interpret as such”.
In the report 2016, os bombeiros defendem a criação de um Comando Autónomo para não estarem sobre a alçada da Proteção Civil, Secretary of State explained that “private structures have one command within the state structure, does not make sense. Not that”, justified.
Jorge Gomes revealed that in the coming days corporations will begin to receive a “feeding kit” for the first 24 hours when fighting fires. The finalize the official considered as “a historic moment and a giant step in the country”, with the arrival of the Civil Protection system of “parish council presidents and military”.
Presentation of DECIF
Manuel Oliveira (Alderman Beja House): “I leave the recognition to the men and women who make up the fire brigade district. The municipalities all have done to give conditions for their corporations. The stage at which we enter is readiness”.
Lt. Col. Vítor Cabrita (District Commander of Relief Operations): “There are three major areas of intervention: structural prevention, Operating prevent and combat. During a Phase Bravo, in May, the district will 198 operational and 62 Car, in June, 236 operational and 71 Car, enhanced in Phase Charlie (July to September) there will be 271 operational, 76 vehicles and 1 helicopter. The operational objectives are to have: ZERO DEAD”.
Jorge Gomes (Secretary of State for Internal Affairs): There are no major fires, if there is an attack when they are small. Attack at birth is objectivo.Não want the army to fight fires, the training given the aftermath aims to save firefighters. We are facing a difficult year, unusually dry and very combustible material. Up to this date there are more ignitions, more area burned and more reacendimentos”.
Teixeira Correia

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