Preceding the arrival of Vinipax, the Municipality of Beja organizes, of 4 a 10 of September, the ‘Vinipax Week in Beja Restaurants’, promoting greater articulation of local restoration with this important event.
This week, participating restaurants present several initiatives to promote and enhance Beja wines, at the same time that the Municipality of Beja offers prizes to those who consume Beja wines during this period (a coupon, which qualifies for prizes, for each bottle of wine produced in the municipality of Beja consumed in participating restaurants), creating an environment conducive to new visits to restaurants and Vinipax.
The municipality's producers collaborate with participating restaurants in organizing the initiatives that are part of this week (wine tasting in restaurants, wine of the day, cante, among other actions).
Take advantage of the excuse for a lively meal, with friends or family, and delight in the excellent dishes that the restaurants prepare for you accompanied by the famous Beja wines and… qualify for prizes!