has place today, by 19,00 hours the swearing in of the new elected members of the União de Freguesias de Beja (Salvador and Feira).
this thursday, at the Lidador Social Center, in Beja, the swearing in of the elected members of the Parish Assembly of the União de Freguesias de Beja will take place (Salvador and Feira) for or mandate 2021/2025. The ceremony is public.
the re-elected president, Antonio Ramos, hair candidate PS, was elected with 37,84% to which they corresponded 1.728 votes, more 371 than the CDU list, headed by Francisco Caixinha. The PS could 6 mandates (Antonio Ramos, Bruno Sustelo, Garlic Custody, Liliana Ensign, Rui Revez and Rita Brito), the CDU managed 4 mandates (Francisco Caixinha, Evaristo Amaro, Luzia Rosário and Natacha Lemos, e o PSD 3 (Hugo Carulo, Linabela Martins and Francisco Soares).
Order of work for the installation act
Appointment of employee to write the document proving the act, act of installation and verification of the identity and legitimacy of the elected voting method and voting direction for the election of the members of the Parish Council and Parish Assembly Bureau, election of members of the Parish Council and Election of the Board of the Parish Assembly.
Who is who
António Mestre da Silva Ramos, 61 year old, Electrical Installation and Network Technician. Elected by the PS as secretary at the Santa Maria da Feira parish council between 2009 and 2013, for the assembly of the Union of the parishes of Beja Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira between 2013 and 2019, having been elected President of the Union of the parishes of Beja Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira in 2017.
Teixeira Correia