Beja: Work of the Cerebral Palsy Center exposed the EMAS.

It is the fifth consecutive year that the EMAS, as part of its social responsibility, collaborates with the Occupational Activity Center Cerebral Palsy Center of Beja.

The exhibition entitled "Imagin'Art" will be patent 21 from January to 21 February in Beja EMAS headquarters.
This will be the 5th consecutive year in which EMAS, as part of its social responsibility, collaborates with the Occupational Activity Center Cerebral Palsy Center of Beja, exposing the paint jobs of its users.
This is an initiative that promotes a very positive internal dynamics among employees, and this year in addition to being provided contact with works of art and their authors, It will be the first time drawn a framework for supply to one of our employees.
Note that the value obtained from the sale of the paintings on display reverts in full to the institution (CPCB). In this sense the Beja EMAS doors are open to all public wishing to visit the exhibition.

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