Beja: Trilogy passionate origin in two assassination attempts.

It began yesterday in the Court of Beja, the trial of two men last February tried to kill a former partner of one of them, with whom he lived marital and whom he had three children and the man she lived.

Antonio Lopes_800x800António Lopes, 44 year old, former teammate woman, and Luis Raposo, 30 year old, fellow brother, They are accused co-authored two first degree murder of attempted form. Antonio is still indicted of a crime of domestic violence and Louis a crime of violation of prohibition.

The case happened on the night of 2 February of this year, on Mount Acacio, about what 4 kilometers of Cuba, when former teammate Elsa Bautista, 28 year old, stabbed this, having first attacked the man with whom she lived, António Raposo, 41 year old.

A passionate trilogy or cross love relationships, involving five people, victims, the accused and the wife of one of these, will be at the origin of the assassination attempts of man and woman, according to the testimony produced before the Court of Beja.

Luis Raposo hath uncovered his brother (António Raposo) get involved with a woman and knowing that António Lopes sought to ex-partner (Elsa Bautista), They have solid motivations for the defendants if they ally carry out crimes.

About the reasons that attacked the woman, Antonio Lopes told a magistrates, that "if she knew that she walked with another would keep goats ? I'm not sucker ", said the defendant who is serving three years in prison for domestic violence on a former partner who tried to kill.

António Lopes, It is serving a sentence of three years in prison (na foto à saída do tribunal), for domestic violence on ex-partner, a case decided in 2013, also said that Louis Fox introduced him to a friend as "the kind that will kill my brother", finished. Louis for his turn is referred to the silence, telling the Collective who "want to escape to the subject", justified.

Elsa Bautista, the stabbed woman, accused former teammate of being "too violent, when drunk ", leaving the court without answers about the reasons that would take Louis to want to kill your current partner.

Asked about the reasons why Louis wanted to kill him, Antonio spoke envy, denying that it had "engaged with the coined", creating a scenario about selling a car. Explanations led the Public Prosecutor to tell you that "jealousy is one thing and another envy", concluded.

Teixeira Correia


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