Beja: Triple road collision leaves seven victims. There is a dead.

A brutal road collision between three passenger vehicles, caused one dead, one seriously injured and six slightly injured, in an accident that occurred on the Main Itinerary 2 (IP2), in the town of Santa Clara de Louredo, seven kilometers south of Beja on the connection to Castro Verde.

According to the Sub-Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command of Baixo Alentejo (CSREPCBA), the alert was given to 13,55 hours and to the location were mobilized 50 firefighters from seven corporations in the Beja district that are part of the Road Intervention Prevention Device (DPIR), medical car emergency and resuscitation (VMER), support vehicle immediately life (SIV) de Castro Verde e GNR, with military personnel from the Territorial Detachment, supported by 21 Car.

Upon arrival of rescue equipment, a woman, about 70 year old, occupant of one of the vehicles traveling north/south, was incarcerated, after colliding with a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction. This car ended up overturning on the side of the road., in the opposite direction to that in which it followed.

The victim's death was declared at the scene by the VMER doctor and the injured were taken to the José Joaquim Fernandes Emergency Room., in Beja.

It appears that the accident was due to poorly calculated overtaking., on a long straight line with good visibility, leaving a trail of destruction, with several vehicle parts scattered across the road.

Since the accident, traffic has been blocked in both directions., being diverted to the old national road that leads from Santa Clara do Louredo to the AMALGA landfill.

The accident is being investigated by the Traffic Accident Investigations and Crimes Unit (NICAV), who is on site carrying out inspections.

Teixeira Correia


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