Beja: Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist in the present Congress ANAFRE.

The XVII National Congress ANAFRE, He held in Portimão where attended the Parish Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist.

The Parish Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist was present at the XVII ANAFRE the National Congress that took place between 24 and 25 January, in Portimão.

'Parish: Nearest and solidarity. more decentralization!'Was the motto chosen to convey the idea of ​​community development and territorial cohesion, a joint concern of reform that is decentralized and, logo, closer to its citizens.

Conservation work maintenance of public spaces

The Parish Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist has been proceeding to repair some holes in sidewalks, that arise in city tours, as in John Hogan Street, Councilman Antonio Street of Sorrows Iron, Street City São Paulo, in Santo André Urbanization, Brazil Avenue and Avenida Comandante Ramiro Correia.

Cleaning and maintenance of green areas

The Parishes Union continues every day, carrying out, cleaning jobs of public roads, with grass cutting. This week the works are focused on Salgueiro Maia Avenue, Avenida Zeca Afonso, Avenida Vasco Gama and surrounding areas.

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