Beja: U.F. James the Greater and St. John the Baptist promote collection of household monsters.

Committed to minimize the presence of garbage next to molokes Parishes Union of Greater Santiago and S. John the Baptist, collects domestic monsters.

The result of a strategy to minimize the garbage next to molokes Beja and maintain a clean city, the domestic monsters collection service has been strengthened.

A partnership between the Municipality of Beja and the Associations of the City Parishes, This service began last day 24 November 2018.

However, we continue to appeal to the population to avoid putting trash in the street, having the possibility to contact the services of the two parishes and mark this collection by mail, phone or in person.

“Help us keep our cleaner Union and environmentally friendly”, It is the appeal of this Parishes Union.

Care and maintenance of public roads

The Parish Union of Greater Santiago and S. João Baptista remains committed to cleaning and maintenance of green spaces of the parish, particularly in combating weeds that proliferate the streets. This week is to undertake work in the urban area of ​​Penedo Gordo.

visits Seniors 2019

As in previous years, Parishes of the Union and the Municipality of Beja, They are already working in the organization of visits to places or events, intended for senior citizens.

So, that are certain destinations and dates of visits, applications will be open.

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