Beja: U.F.Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist comes to desinfeções.

Attentive to fighting pandemic Covid-19 from Santiago Parishes Union Major and St. John the Baptist shall disinfection of public spaces, as well as the cleaning and maintenance of green areas.

The Parish Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist in collaboration with the Beja Municipality started a disinfecting action in Penedo Gordo, which consists in spraying hydrogen peroxide, in the streets and public spaces.

In the city this action is being triggered by the Civil Protection team.

Cleaning and maintenance of green areas

The Parishes Union continues every day, carrying out, cleaning jobs of public roads, with grass cutting.

The last week the work was concentrated in the Fountain of Cavadas. This week began cutting herbs in the urban area of ​​Penedo Gordo.

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