Beja: Parishes Union continues with the cleaning and maintenance of public spaces.

The Parish Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist, remains committed to the cleaning and maintenance of public spaces this time next to the Camping, and Tennis Court.

The Parish Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist held this week to a body of work that focused on cleaning and cutting vacant herbs, the rear of the Camping, and cleaning the interior space surrounding the tennis court.

Another team proceeded to clean the inside of the Field Carolina Almodovar Games, taking into account the start of the new season football 2019/2020. Beyond that cleaning, held a speech in the garden, Francisco Miguel Duarte no Largo, next to the mill, in Penedo Gordo.

Baja TT Harvest Alentejo

Beja will be in the coming days 6,7 and 8 of September, the Operational Center of Baja TT Harvest Alentejo, organized by Karting Promotion Club and Motoring.

The Parishes of Union joined this event, with support in the cleaning and maintenance of public spaces, which will be the center of operations, between them, the House of Culture.

Playgrounds maintenance

The Parish Union of Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist initiated preventive and corrective maintenance work in some playgrounds of Parish.

There has been a series of acts of vandalism to these spaces, Parishes that the Union want to correct briefly, bridging the existing problems in the equipment and thus ensure, the conditions of comfort and safety for children.

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