Beja/ V.N.Milfontes: drug trafficking trial leads to extraction ten certificates against witnesses.
The ten witnesses lies led to the extraction of the certificates of misrepresentation crime, in the trial of a group, “Milfontes Connection”, that controlled drug trafficking in Vila Nova de Milfontes. One of the judges used the expression “squeaky clean”.
Ten of about fifty prosecution witnesses, a trial that takes place in the Court of Beja, for drug trafficking, It was the target of extracting the certificates of misrepresentation crime.
Only in yesterday's sessions, the Public Prosecutor (MP) sent extract five certificates. At issue is the trial of a network that controlled drug trafficking in Vila Nova de Milfontes.
Dubbed between local authorities as "Milfontes Connection", the group is composed of six elements, aged between 21 and 39 year old, four of whom are in custody (three in Beja and Silves), whose arrest took place in February of this year.
Although heard under investigation in the presence of a magistrate and the order of the Prosecutor's indictment of Odemira MP, it has required the removal of some or all of the hearing room of the defendants, some of these witnesses not to lie coibiram, They told the judges, and contradict the statements made and signed by you.
Billed as "ringleader" of the group, Ukrainian citizen, with Portuguese nationality, Maksym (Max) Rarenko (photo on the front of the group), two accused drug trafficking crimes, prohibited weapon detention, fencing, theft and extortion, is the defendant who witnesses betray fear of reprisals.
The situation yesterday was so shabbily that the president of the Collective of Judges did not hold back and endured a witness: "Here we spend days listening to music. Realize I have realized that is lying ", justified. Another of the judges fired: "Do you think it will run pretty clean", concluded.
The first military GNR of Vila Nova de Milfontes, heard in the afternoon session, He gave a detailed description of the investigation and made an oral organization chart of how the group functioned pointing the lead Rarenko. Village sources, They told Lidador News, the individual “It is an old familiar friend of the local authorities”.
Teixeira Correia