Beja: “Beja Consegue” councilor concerned about insecurity in the city.

Nuno Palma Ferro, councilor in the Beja Chamber elected by the Beja Consegue Coalition, issued a statement in which it “expresses concern about the manifestations of violence, disrespect and insecurity that have occurred in the city”.

In the document, the elected official justifies that “we are aware that the problem we face, has a national dimension, an international context, which greatly limits a local response. In other words, We know that Beja City Council, is limited in its action, but not incapable of having leadership and a strategy that, if it exists, cannot be seen”.

Nuno Palma Ferro maintains that “we cannot allow a climate of insecurity, with disrespect in the street, and disorder. We can not, under no circumstances, that our land becomes unsafe or uncomfortable… otherwise, coming soon, it will also be empty.”.

Afterwards, the elected member of the Beja Coalition Can, reveals the proposals that he will present again at a chamber meeting:

  • Beja City Council must, through the work of the Municipal Security Council, take necessary actions, and provide this body with the means and resources to fulfill its mission.
  • Inspection of habitability conditions must be a reality and, if they are not fulfilled, Owners must be held responsible, and take the necessary measures to prevent overcrowding of some spaces.
  • Observation cameras must be placed in the most frequented public places for the sake of our safety, and to dissuade such events in the city center, also serving to identify perpetrators.
  • We insist on the creation of a temporary Reception and Integration Center for Migrants that functions as an anchor space allowing to support the institutions and people who multiply every day to face this herculean mission, and whose community funding exists and is available and the use of Public Bathrooms so that members of the migrant community who do not have access to a bathroom can carry out their daily hygiene.

To conclude, Beja Consegue claims to be entirely available to “collaborate in whatever is necessary, and once again asks this executive to make it happen. We are even willing to act, together", ends.

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