Beja: Car driven by drunk driver suffers screening and rollover.

A drunk driver, whose blood alcohol level in the blood was not possible to determine, since the individual arrested after, He felt sick and was taken to Beja Hospital ER, kicked off yesterday five pins in marble and a tree, followed by overturning of the vehicle, on Avenida Salgueiro Maia, in Beja, not having suffered any injury.

to alcohol, joined speeding, which have been at the origin of the accident that occurred at around 14,30 hours, when the driver, 50 year old, natural de Beja, after making the straight of Salgueiro Maia with about 500 meters, He entered a curve, lost control of the vehicle which yawed to the left, entering screening.

The car only stopped after the pullout pins and tree, followed by overturning, getting the wheels in the air, taking the driver out at the foot. In the screening of the site there is a walkway for pedestrians and a kiosk with a terrace, where there were some customers, who caught a big scare.

In the straight Salgueiro Maia Avenue, front of the Fair Park, where it performs Ovibeja, there is an information electronic radar, that drivers often use to "beat their speed records. The Lidador News (LN) know that the Transit Police Station PSP Beja, already made several recommendations to the City Commission of the transit authority, for the radar to be removed since the conductors used in a way that generates "constants transgressions".

The driver was arrested and the Police as he prepared to be submitted to test blood alcohol, He felt sick and was taken to hospital, onde no fecho desta edição (elaboração e publicação do artigo) ainda se encontrava a fazer diversos exames complementares.

The driver must attend this afternoon in the prosecution of Beja, to be heard in the first interrogation.

The latest cases involving drunk drivers, in 30 of December, a woman driving with a BAC 2,76 g / l and a man hours later caused a violent collision, accusing 2,87g / l. Last February 1, a conductor “He entered with the car through a separator bushes”, having registered 2,70 g/l.

Teixeira Correia


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