Beja: President of the Supreme Court today visit the District Court.
Councilor Antonio Silva Henriques Gaspar, President of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Superior Council of Magistracy, will be today's visit to the Court of Beja County.
A visita destina-se a permitir ao presidente do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça e do Conselho Superior da Magistratura, o contacto directo com a realidade da comarca, the second being carried out by Dr. Henriques Gaspar during his tenure (the first occurred in June 2015).
A chegada da comitiva ao Palácio da Justiça de Beja está prevista para as 11 hours, It is received by the Board of Management District and followed by a visit to the premises of the Palace of Justice and Labor Court.
Then carried out a meeting with the judges in office in the District, led by José Lúcio, Presiding Judge of the District of Beja / Judge Judge of the Court of Évora Relationship, after which there will be a lunch at a restaurant in town.
Teixeira Correia