Beja: hit and run victim died in hospital two hours after the accident.
Um individual 58 year old, He died about the 23.00 hours Friday, in Beja Hospital ER, two hours after being hit in EN260, Variant in city Exterior, the main link between Beja and Serpa and Spain.
Manuel Custodio (na photos), known as "Manel of Lydia", widower with three children, was the track crossing between the Industrial Park and the Hope Town, where he lived, when it was hit with a passenger car. The car was driven by Filipe Matias, the individual who won the house prize of the first edition of the "Heavy Weight", in 2011.
The victim was walking with daughter 23 year old, who escaped unharmed the accident that killed his father. The car driven by Philip had just described a roundabout and traveled about 300 meters when the accident occurred.
Second it was possible to determine if the driver will not realize the pawn and the violence of the shock was such, the shoes the man was wearing were torn feet and were on the road espalhas.
Heard on site by Lidador News (LN), o alfares Pazadas, the Beja Traffic Detachment of GNR, He said "the reduced lighting may have contributed to the accident", adding that it is a place "often used by pedestrians who live in the neighborhood", concluded.
The driver of a Spanish truck that ran in the opposite direction realized the accident and told the LN: "I saw a figure crossing the road and the car hit him. The car did not come with excessive speed ", concluded.
In the rescue was the Beja Hospital VMER one INEM ambulance firemen of the city and various operating GNR and PSP. The traffic on the EN260 was closed for two hours.
The section where the accident occurred is quite dark and dangerous, having already been three fatal accidents. In 10 October 2014, a conductor, leading a van, He ran over and killed three horses that roamed the road.
About 300 meters where the accident occurred there was an air ticket, but given the widespread use of the same, in June 2013, an agreement between the Chamber of Beja and Estradas de Portugal the same was withdrawn, to be placed on the same road, with the authority of Materials Park, but to date has not yet been installed.
The body of Manuel Custodio was delivered to the Medico-Legal Office, which should be autopsied tomorrow.
Teixeira Correia