Left Block: Approved candidates for the municipalities of Almodovar and Odemira.

The municipal assemblies of Almodovar and Odemira the Left Bloc approved last week the names and heads the list of local elections 1 October 2017.

Ana Cristina Ferreira (na photos), of 48 year old, teacher, member of the National Left Bloc Bureau and the District Coordinator of Beja, lead in 2017 the municipal project in Almodovar BE applying to the President of the Municipality of Almodovar.

The public presentation of candidates and candidates for the local municipality of Almodovar, as well as the programmatic lines currently under discussion, take place during Facal, in 8 July.

Ana Loureiro, of 63 year old, teacher, degree in electronic engineering and telecommunications, will head the list of Municipality of Odemira. I do not mandate 2009-2013 belonged to the Parish Assembly of Longueira / Almograve and was deputy municipal. It is part of the coordinators of the Center for Odemira and District Left Block Beja.

PEDRO GON脟ALVES, of 43 year old, undertaker, elected in Laps Parish Assembly in 2009 and municipal deputy from 2013, will again head of list to the Municipal Assembly of Odemira. He is a member of the Beja District Coordinator of the Left Bloc and association leader.

The public presentation of the candidates for the municipal bodies and parish in the Odemira municipality and the respective programmatic bases is scheduled for 17 June, in Vila Nova de Milfontes, during the Tourism Fair to be held in this pearl of the Alentejo coast.

In Almodovar, They are already known the names of S茅rgio Delgado, CDU, Antonio Boot, current president of the municipality, PS hair, and Ant贸nio Sebasti茫o, by PSD, Applicants are known, until today, the presidency of the council in the local elections scheduled for 01 October.

Turn in Odemira, It is already known the names of Sara Ramos, CDU, Jose Alberto Guerrero, current president of the municipality, PS hair, and Lu铆s Freitas, by PSD.

The CDU leads of eight 14 municipalities in the district of Beja (Alvito, Canyons, Beja, Cuba, Castro Verde, Moura, Serpa and Vidigueira) e or PS six (Aljustrel, Almodovar, Ferreira do Alentejo, M茅rtola, Odemira and Ourique).

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