Fire department: League and District Federations mark meeting to toughen the fight.
In compliance with the decision of the National Council of the League of Portuguese Firefighters (LBP) conducted last day 10 November, Braganca, the LPB met on Friday, in Pombal, with the Council of the District Federations Fire.
The meeting, where they were present the presidents and directors of the federations operating, We aimed to "appeal to the mobilization of corporations to the National Meeting, to make no next day 8, in Santarem ", revealed to Lidador News (LN), President of the League, Jaime Marta Soares.
The Beja district, LN found that attended the meeting, President of the Federation of Beja District Fire, Sunday Fabela and Operational Directors, Pedro Barahoana and Mario Batista, respectively, commanders of the Volunteer Fire Department and Beja Ourique.
No Saturday, will be present at the National Exhibition Center (CNEMA), in the city Ribatejo, the presidents and commanders of all corporations of the country's firefighters, which "will be making a joint stand against the measures adopted by the Government, leaving the fire department from outside the Civil Protection ", He explained the president of the League.
Marta Soares stated that "we harden our positions and we will face all the consequences of our demands", adding that firefighters and their representatives "do not speak for talk, They want to negotiate in defense of the people ", justified.
O líder da LBP foi mais longe ao afirmar que o Governo “desrespeitou o povo e o país” e que com as suas decisões “está a desbaratar um património secular, with pseudorreformas to intermunicipalizar firefighters ", concluded.
It is recalled that the Fire League contests the legislative package for the air civil protection adopted at the Council of Ministers of 25 October, including the new organic law of ANPC, which will now be called the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority, which finishes with the district command operations and rescue (CDOS) and creates a model with metropolitan or intercity incidence and sets aside firefighters.
Jaime Marta Soares summarized in three areas, to claims League, supported by fire brigades: "Reform the new Organic Law, create a separate command for firefighters and encouraging volunteering ", finished.
Teixeira Correia