Campaign: “Plantar 1000 holm oaks in the municipality of Mértola”.

The holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia) It is one of the main trees in the Mediterranean. The Municipality of Mértola, the EBM-Biological Station of Mértola and the BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, launch the challenge of “Plantar 1000 holm oaks in the municipality of Mértola”.

Despite its resilience, holm oak populations are in decline. The causes of mortality are due to a complex set of factors, many of them of anthropogenic origin, as more agricultural practices, but also climate change, to pests and diseases.

In this context, the Municipality of Mértola, the EBM-Biological Station of Mértola and the BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, launch the challenge of “Plantar 1000 holm oaks in the municipality of Mértola”, contributing to reforestation and ecological restoration. But, “if we want to go far, we should go in a group”, that is why, We count on the help of anyone who wants to contribute to this project, which belongs to everyone.

How can you participate?

Collect acorns and deliver to EBM, until the end of December 2023.

Germinating acorns at home, using common vases or alternative vases, from disposable water or milk packaging. Deliver to EBM mid-autumn 2024. The germination protocol can be requested via email to or directly at EBM facilities.

Assist in the planting of holm oaks throughout the municipality of Mértola, scheduled for early autumn 2024.

The Municipality of Mértoila leaves the invitation: "Join this initiative and come with us to plant the 1000 azinheiras!".

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