Campo Maior: Museum dedicated to the People's Parties will be born in 2016 and cidade raiana.

Campo Maior will tell, a partir de 2016, with a dedicated museum to the People's Parties, encompassed investment in “Strategic Development Plan County Urban”.
Larger field- festas_800x800"The People's Festival of Museum will be born in the year 2016, It will be the first investment that will be conducted by the Strategic Plan for Urban Development of the Municipality of Campo Maior”, revealed to Radio Campo Maior, Ricardo Pinheiro, Mayor of Campo Maior.
“We think the People's parties have to continue to endure not only in editions of 'Paper Garden, but whenever any world tourist want to feel the emotions of what it is to live a People's Parties, he can do so ", justified the mayor Campomaiorense.
According to the mayor, the Strategic Plan will "first stop thinking about urban improvements and think about how this museum can be a way to boost the economy and attract tourists".
Teixeira Correia

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