Beja received the national launch of the “10 Million Stars” campaign – a Gesture for Peace”, an event that was an opportunity to mobilize the Cáritas network in Portugal to the Alentejo city.
In a statement, Cáritas explains that with this campaign “we propose to all Portuguese that, through symbolic adherence to the values of peace,, associated with the experience of Christmas, by purchasing a white or red “star candle”, no value 2 euros, We can contribute to making the invisible visible.”.
This year the campaign has some new features, including the possibility of purchasing online through the Cáritas Portuguesa website at
The funds raised through the “10 Million Stars – A Gesture for Peace” campaign are annually channeled towards two objectives of a national and international nature, allowing the materialization of actions with a social dimension, from the national network Cáritas (65%), that are a collective contribution to a better world, but also to collaborate with Portuguese-speaking countries (35%) through the Laudato Si Lusophone Fund: support for microprojects, under the hat of Integral Ecology, with the support of local Cáritas.
This way it is possible to finance and respond to local impact needs and leverage communities in their daily resilience. For more information about Cáritas Diocesana de Beja please visit: